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22 July, 2009The situation for some 700 workers on strike at Toshiba Indonesia grows worse each day, but together we can win this fight for basic labour rights and working conditions at Toshiba locations worldwide. The International Metalworkers' Federation and the 25 million metalworkers we represent joins Toshiba Indonesia workers on strike in demanding that the company negotiate in good faith with FSPMI, pay all wages owed workers since April, restore health care coverage for workers on strike and reinstate all fired workers without sanction.

More than 700 members of IMF-affiliate, Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia (FSPMI), went on strike at PT Toshiba Consumer Products Indonesia on 16 April after the company refused to recognize the collective labour agreement signed both by the union and management.
Toshiba management announced a lock-out, then termination of the contracts of the workers, including 15 elected trade union leaders at the plant. Vonny Diananto, Senior Vice President of FSPMI, and Aghni Dhamayanti, FSMPI Vice President and IMF Executive Committee member are among those on strike.
The situation intensified on 5 May when police and 30 hired thugs attacked strikers outside the company gates.
Toshiba has withheld wages since April and terminated the health care coverage of all strikers, a move that is illegal under Indonesian labour law. The company is also suing strikers for 1.6 million in lost business --- a clear tactic to intimidate and silence the workers.
Management has filed criminal charges against Aghni for "conducting unpleasant activity" and "property damages". A police investigation concluded in June and Agni's case is now in the hands of the prosecutor's office which has the authority to arrest her at any time.
Toshiba Indonesia has also filed suit against the workers for some $1.6 million USD in lost business. The union has filed a counter criminal suit against Toshiba for union busting (unfair dismissals, non-payment of salaries, and intimidation of union leaders) under Indonesia's Law for Freedom of Association of Trade Unions.
The IMF is asking affiliates to take urgent action in the following ways:
- Donate to the Toshiba Indonesia Workers' STRIKE FUND.
- Call on Toshiba CEO Norio Sasaki to respect workers' rights at all Toshiba plants worldwide.
- Alert the UN Global Compact board of Toshiba's failure to adhere to Global Compact commitments.
- Organise actions at Toshiba or the Japanese Embassy in your home country.
- Send protest letters to the OECD contact point in your respective country.
- Send a letter of solidarity to FSPMI members on strike at Toshiba Indonesia.