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Strike in Tuzla shipyard

16 June, 2008Limter İş holds day long strike following the death of another shipbuilding worker in the Tuzla shipyards in Turkey.

TURKEY: Limter İş and shipbuilding workers in the shipyards in Tuzla are taking day-long strike action today, June 16, protesting work-related injuries and deaths. The action was announced following the death of İhsan Turan, 35, who worked in Selahattin Aslan shipyards and was injured severely as a damper fell on him June 8. The number of deaths in the yards has increased to 25 in the last 11 months.

According to the Turkish Daily News, Cem Dinç, the head of the Port, Shipyard, Ship Construction and Repair Workers Trade Union (Limter İş), said, "Workers for the first time go to strike to not die," adding, "Although Sunday is the day of compulsory holiday, we work on Saturdays and Sundays too. If the regulations were implemented, İhsan Turan would be with us today."

Limter İş organised and campaigned against the high rates of injuries and deaths in the shipyards for many years. Earlier this year 70 workers were arrested after participating in a strike to protest the horrendous working conditions.

The IMF sent a message of solidarity to Limter İş and will closely follow the events in support of the union.