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22 August, 2001In the continuing strike in the auto industry, Numsa has succeeded in getting the employers up to 9 per cent across the board.

SOUTH AFRICA: With regard to the on-going major autoworkers' strike in South Africa, a press release issued on August 22 by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa states that "after extensive deliberations and consultation, the special meeting of the National Executive Committee of Numsa has not endorsed the current revised settlement proposals from the Commission, Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)."
The union says it accepts the 9 per cent across the board wage increase as the basis for a future improved settlement. The autoworkers unanimously agree that the settlement should be further improved to 10 per cent.
Numsa will be reopening negotiations with the Automobile Manufacturing Employers Organisation (AMEO) to improve the wage offer and says the strike "will continue until all workers are consulted and a final decision is made."
Additional disputes remaining unresolved are:
- a two-year wage agreement;
- "no further claim" clause (Numsa wants to take claims/demands at plant level and be able to strike for them);
- negotiation of additional categories of workers for level 5 (Numsa wants team leaders, specialists, clerks, spray painters, quality control workers to be categorised as level 5 workers).
The union says it accepts the 9 per cent across the board wage increase as the basis for a future improved settlement. The autoworkers unanimously agree that the settlement should be further improved to 10 per cent.
Numsa will be reopening negotiations with the Automobile Manufacturing Employers Organisation (AMEO) to improve the wage offer and says the strike "will continue until all workers are consulted and a final decision is made."
Additional disputes remaining unresolved are:
- a two-year wage agreement;
- "no further claim" clause (Numsa wants to take claims/demands at plant level and be able to strike for them);
- negotiation of additional categories of workers for level 5 (Numsa wants team leaders, specialists, clerks, spray painters, quality control workers to be categorised as level 5 workers).