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Solidarnosc requests support

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14 February, 2001Fiat Poland has announced plans to dismiss 750 workers.

POLAND: The Solidarity trade union has demanded that Fiat management in Poland withdraw company plans to dismiss 750 workers at its plant in Bielsko Biala. Fiat announced its decision unilaterally on February 6, without consultation or negotiation with the trade union. Solidarnosc argues that no forced redundancies are necessary as there are no dramatic economic or financial problems and demands that Fiat open unconditional negotiations with the Polish trade union.
A protest campaign has been launched. Fiat workers have posted banners on all factory gates in Bielsko Biala as well as Tyche, demanding that management withdraw its plans, and Solidarity is requesting urgent solidarity support in the form of protest messages to Fiat headquarters in Torino and to Bielsko Biala.
Join the campaign. Send your protest letters to:

Mr. Paolo Cantarella
President FIAT Spa
Torino, Italy
Fax: +39-011-6861802

Mr.Gianfrancesco Pavesi
Director FIAT Gesko Poland
Bielsko Biala, Poland
Fax: +48-33-8132751

with copies to:

Mr.Wieslaw Brzozka
President NSZZ Solidarnosc
At FIAT Poland
Fax: +48-33-8134108

Polish Television
Fax: +48-33-8165416