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Six one-day strikes

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15 September, 1999Strikes in the entire auto sector are being jointly organised by the IMF's Brazilian affiliates, CNM-CUT and CNTM-Força Sindical, in support of their demands for a new collective agreement.

BRAZIL: Beginning on September 23, the CNM-CUT and CNTM-Força Sindical are launching a series of one-day strikes in all states of Brazil with auto assembly and parts plants, with the intention of mobilising 90,000 assembly factory workers and 165,000 workers in parts plants.
The full strike schedule is as follows: September 23 in Rio de Janeiro, September 30 in Minas Gerais, October 7 in São Paulo, October 14 in Paraná, October 21 in Santa Catarina and October 28 in Rio Grande do Sul.
The unions' main demands are:
- a national contract;
- a 36-hour workweek (presently 44);
- national minimum wage;
- equal pay for equal work;
- a 10% pay increase, and
- job security.
After writing several weeks ago to the presidents of both the Brazilian Association of Vehicle Manufacturers (ANFAVEA) and the Brazilian Parts Manufacturers (Sindipeças/Abipeças), pressing them to enter into good-faith negotiations with the unions, the IMF has again written to express its regret that the unions' demands are not being met and that affiliates worldwide are being informed accordingly. Instead of accepting the demand for a national agreement, management has urged unions to negotiate with individual enterprises, as in the past.
The IMF would ask all its affiliates to show their support for their Brazilian colleagues by writing to both the ANFAVEA and Sindipeças/Abipeças requesting they reconsider their position and resume negotiations on the basis of the unions' demands. Addresses are:
Mr. José Carlos da Silveira Pinheiro Neto
President, ANFAVEA
São Paulo -- SP, Brazil
Fax: (55/11) 5051-4044
Dr. Paulo Butori
President, Sindipeças/Abipeças
São Paulo -- SP, Brazil
Fax: (55/11) 884-0584
Kindly send copies of all correspondence to the IMF and to:
Luis Antonio de Medeiros
President, CNTM-Força Sindical
Fax: (55/61) 321-8455
E-mail: [email protected]
Heguiberto Della Bella Navarro
President, CNM-CUT
Fax: (55/11) 279-9524
E-mail: [email protected]
For background information, click on associated link or see IMF NewsBriefs No. 11, 1999.