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Six die at shipbreaking yard in India

20 August, 2009A trade union representing shipbreaking workers calls on authorities to enforce health and safety after six workers die in Alang on August 4, 2009.

INDIA:  After the death of six shipbreaking workers in Alang on August 4, the local trade union representing 5,000 shipbreaking workers called on the Factories Inspector to investigate the incident and the Chief Minister and High Court of Gujarat to undertake a judicial enquiry and immediately intervene on the health, safety, welfare and environment at the shipbreaking yards.

The six workers died on the spot from burns sustained while working in the engine room of a vessel being dismantled at plot number 24-0 of the Alang shipbreaking yards. No precaution had been taken by the employer to ensure the engine room was free from gas and fit for cutting operations.  Measures taken after the accident were also completely inadequate.

Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling and General Workers' Association (ASSRGWA), representing the workers, demanded that the government of Gujarat ensures:

  • Strict compliance with the Supreme Court of India's directions on safe ship recycling issued in September 2007;
  • A judicial inquiry into the fatal accident that occurred on August 4, 2009 causing the deaths of six workers;
  • Compensation of a million rupees (US$20,000) to the family of each deceased worker; and
  • Representation of the Workers' Association on the Gujarat Maritime Board and other regulating and enforcement authorities.

The Workers' Association had previously represented the workers before a committee of technical experts on shipbreaking, which resulted in the Supreme Court directing various government bodies and stakeholders to take effective measures on health and safety, welfare and the environment. In August 2008, the Workers' Association made representation to the Gujarat Maritime Board requesting compliance with the Court's ruling.

"Though there are regulating and enforcement authorities, no adequate attention is being paid by these organisations to the suffering of the thousands of shipbreaking workers," said ASSRGWA President Shanti Patel at a press conference on August 11.

"The apathy and almost criminal negligence on the part of the stakeholders in complying with rulings on health, safety, welfare and the environment is instrumental in the increase in the number of fatal and major accidents in the shipbreaking yards in Alang," said Patel.

Vidyadhar Rane, ASSRGWA General Secretary, has submitted complaints to various relevant authorities and visited the family members of the victims offering the union's full support.