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Significant wage gains for Kenya metal workers

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22 October, 2010Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers (AUKMW) has successfully concluded negotiations with the Kenya Motor Trade and Allied Employers Association. The two year collective bargaining agreement secures gains of 11% wage increase in the first year and 10% wage increase in the second year.

Kenya: AUKMW successfully negotiated wages well above government calculated cost of living pitched at just below 6% which General Secretary Maero Tindi says is not a true reflection of the reality workers face with regard to ever increasing prices for basic goods. Other gains made were leave travel allowance of KS3,000 and a housing allowance of KS5,000. The minimum wage in this sector for the lowest pay grade, inclusive of allowances, will now be KS20,000 or US$250 a month.

Preparations for negotiations have paid off, AUKMW conducted seminars for shop stewards and negotiating workshops in preparation for negotiations. The auto sector employs 4,000 workers that will be covered by the bargaining agreement. These workers represent a majority of the union membership which is currently at 7,000. AUKMW is currently busy preparing for negotiations with the rubber industry employing 600 workers scheduled to begin next week.

Tindi reports that labour rights have greatly improved in Kenya as workers have made huge gains in the country's newly adopted constitution. Amongst the achievements enshrined in the new constitution are the right for workers to be unionised, the right to bargain and the right to strike.

Tindi says that the union is looking positively to the future and making preparations for 2011, when union elections will be run at all levels and its Congress will be held.