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Precarious work protests in Germany

25 February, 2011Over 210,000 workers protest against precarious work in Germany this February. The nationwide protests are organized by IG Metall and are directed against the growing threat of precarious employment.

GERMANY: On February 24, over 210,000 workers protested against the growing threat of precarious employment. Workers from 1,360 companies participated in this nationwide action organized by IMF affiliate IG Metall. This widespread action of German metalworkers sent a clear message to politicians to stop this cheap strategy: Work must be safe and fair.

Young people are especially affected by precarious employment, without secure jobs they are unable to plan for a secure future. Temporary employment, time limited employment and contract work increasingly threaten regular employment.

Despite the economic revival employers predominantly practice temporary and precarious employment. "This is an aberration with far-reaching and dangerous consequences," said Berthold Huber, Chairman of IG Metall Germany in Frankfurt.  "We only have few raw-material but we have well qualified professionals. The current strategy of employers to force precarious work endanger the future development of economic growth in Germany," criticized Huber.