3 November, 2009November 15, 2009 is the deadline to apply for a PhD scholarship at the ICDD.
GLOBAL: The newly founded International Center for Development and Decent Work, which was established in cooperation with the Global Labour University www.global-labour-university.org and the International Labour Organization, is offering 20 PhD Scholarships.
ICDD is an interdisciplinary and international scientific network of excellence with the head office located at the University of Kassel, Germany and partner universities in Latin America, Africa and Asia. The PhD school is organised around three research clusters:
- Sustainable Value Creation for Decent Work
- Instruments for Promoting Decent Work
- Strategies of Empowerment for Decent Work
The course will commence on March 1, 2010 and the deadline for applications is November 15, 2009.
For details and an application form see: