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Palestinian unions make appeal

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24 January, 2001A trade union mission visits Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST: Following an appeal from the Palestinian trade unions in Gaza and the West Bank, a fact-finding mission of metalworkers' unions from France, Italy and Spain recently visited the region to observe firsthand the living and working conditions of the population residing there. Participating unions were the Fédération Générale des Mines et de la Métallurgie (FGMM-CFDT), France; the Federazione Lavoratori Metalmeccanici (FLM), Italy; and the Federación Minerometalúrgica de Comisiones Obreras (FM/CC.OO.), Spain.
Upon their return from the mission, the above unions issued a statement describing the continued difficult living conditions in the refugee camps and the daily violence in the region. The population of the West Bank and Gaza is suffering increasing problems just to find daily subsistence. According to the statement, the 120,000 workers who commute to their work in Israel have lost their jobs and thus livelihood, and the majority of the 180,000 Palestinians who work in the occupied territories cannot get to work because of major roadblocks. The import or export of goods, whether by land, sea or air, is blocked because the borders are closed. The food industry has diminished by 80 per cent, that of plastics and chemicals by 75 per cent, wood by 80 per cent, construction by 90 per cent, and the metal industry by 50 per cent. Public infrastructure for services such as schools, radio and electricity has been destroyed. Some land has been reoccupied, farms destroyed, tourism is at a standstill, and thousands of trees uprooted.
Unemployment in Gaza has risen from 18 to 60 per cent, and in the West Bank from 11 to 35 per cent. The number of families living below the poverty level has increased from 26 to 40 per cent, and the figure is still rising.
The Palestinian trade unions estimate that in both the public and private sectors of Gaza and the West Bank losses amount to approximately US$800 million a month. The local unions are concentrating their efforts on aid such as basic necessities and economic support to the poorest families, as well as strategies for job creation.
The FGMM-CFDT, FLM and the FM/CC.OO. are calling on their membership to show solidarity with the workers of Gaza and the West Bank through donations sent via the unions in Nablus and Gaza. They will be promoting the holding of a joint conference with Israeli and Palestinian trade unions in an attempt to analyse together the social and economic situation and to contribute to re-establishing a dialogue.