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Organizing 31 million jobless Americans

15 January, 2010IAM and partners launch Ur Union of Unemployed - nicknamed UCubed - to assist the more than 31 million jobless Americans, see: <a href="http://www.unionofunemployed.com">www.unionofunemployed.com</a>

USA:  The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) and partners launched Ur Union of Unemployed - nicknamed UCubed - on January 15, 2010 to assist the more than 31 million jobless Americans.

By registering on the website, UCubed connects the unemployed by postal code and then builds "cubes" of six people to end that sense of being all alone. UCubed aims to bring people together - the unemployed and underemployed alike - to build a community of jobs activists who will create local networks, support one another and help in the campaign for jobs.

Inviting the unemployed to join, R. Thomas Buffenbarger, IAM International President explains why the Machinists have established UCubed.

"More than 35,000 members of our union have been laid off. Others are working fewer hours each week because their employers simply do not have orders to fill. And the real recovery, not the false one on Wall Street, still seems years away," said Buffenbarger.

By creating UCubed, IAM hopes to ease the burden of being unemployed and organize job activists in the political campaign for the creation of jobs in all sectors of the U.S. economy.

"Everywhere we turn we see the personal devastation this Grave Recession has caused. And we hope UCubed provides a measure of relief - an end to the sense of being all alone, a chance to build something useful and unique, and an opportunity for the unemployed to change things for the better," said Buffenbarger.

For more go to: http://www.unionofunemployed.com/