12 October, 2011A secret ballot to determine the majorty for union recognition at Robert Bosch, Malaysia, was conducted by the Malaysian Ministry on September 27. The National Union of Transport Equipment and Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW), an IMF affiliate, secured a 73.6% majority among the 499 employees.
MALAYSIA: After enquiries of the local Bosch management the Malaysian Authority didn´t accept the competence of NUTEAIW. Unions in Bosch then visited the Bosch plant in Malaysia in November 2010 and met with the union and with the local management.
After a lot of discussions especially at the headquarters of Bosch in Stuttgart, Germany, the European Works Council achieved that the local management was asked to prepare for union recognition.
"Sometimes these things take a long time, and our work is like the strong and slow boring of hard boards," Helmut Lense at the IMF said. "But if the result is positive it´s worth it."
NUTEAIW thanks especially the European Works Council of Robert Bosch for the assistance rendered in its struggle.
After a lot of discussions especially at the headquarters of Bosch in Stuttgart, Germany, the European Works Council achieved that the local management was asked to prepare for union recognition.
"Sometimes these things take a long time, and our work is like the strong and slow boring of hard boards," Helmut Lense at the IMF said. "But if the result is positive it´s worth it."
NUTEAIW thanks especially the European Works Council of Robert Bosch for the assistance rendered in its struggle.