13 March, 2008IMF hosts May Day labour film fest in Geneva.

GLOBAL: To reach broader audiences and promote trade union capacity of communicating through film, the International Metalworkers' Federation, International Trade Union Confederation and other Global Union Federations are hosting a Night of Labour Film Shorts in Geneva on 1 May 2008 at the Grutli Theatre. The same or similar programme of labour film shorts will also be shown on a virtual space online.
Trade unions are increasingly using video to communicate directly with members or to broader audiences through avenues such as YouTube. To highlight the importance of this way of communicating with union members and other audiences, such as youth, the programme will focus on films that are excellent examples of communicating labour stories. A full-length feature documentary or film will also be shown.
IMF affiliates are invited to send copies of their films on DVD by 31 March 2008 with a short paragraph describing the film. The IMF will accept films in all languages for internet selection, however only English, French or Spanish language or subtitled films will be included in the Geneva showing.
If you would like to know more, please contact Kristyne Peter ([email protected]).