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12 December, 2011The National Engineering Workers Union of Zimbabwe (NEWU) joined the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) in commemorating the World Aids Day under the theme "Getting to Zero" under which the ZCTU and its affiliated trade union's commit to working towards eradicating the HIV pandemic. At the same time ZCTU also commemorated Human Rights Day.

The day started with a march where workers sang songs of solidarity in recognition and sympathy with those affected by HIV and AIDS. Comrade Japhet Moyo, Secretary General of the ZCTU congratulated participants for the consistency in commemorating these two important days over the years; The World Aids Day and Human Rights Day. NEWU leadership and members were present in support of the commemorative action.
Moyo spoke of the thousands of workers in Zimbabwe that continue to lose their lives as a result of the HIV epidemic. He said that HIV and AIDS interventions have been largely driven by the private sector and the ZCTU would like to see the government doing more than merely collecting the 3% AIDS levy from workers. "This scourge calls for combined and concerted efforts from all key stakeholders because we can no longer stand by while thousands of workers lose their lives. If one worker loses their life there is a ripple effect because there are people who are dependent on that person," said Moyo.
The ZCTU is pushing for current interventions in the workplace to go beyond providing the infected worker with the medication and counseling. "The gospel of prevention and emphasis on treatment has been preached. But now we have to go beyond that and also look at ways of taking care of HIV and AIDS orphans for former workers at the workplace. This is an initiative that we have to vigorously pursue because existing HIV and AIDS schemes within our communities are hamstrung", said Moyo.
NEWU joins the ZCTU in demanding that there is accountability, efficiency and transparency in the distribution of free ARV drugs, food packs and funds to those affected by the HIV epidemic and calling for an immediate review of the current legislation on HIV and AIDS
ZCTU is stepping up efforts to fight HIV and AIDS through intensifying programmes with the support of the Global Fund. The ZCTU is moving towards mainstreaming HIV and AIDS activities in all trade union programmes including those involving women and young workers. The main thrust of these programmes is to encourage openness through voluntary counseling and testing and disclosure of one's status. Of concern to the unions, including NEWU is the lack of adequate documentation of HIV at workplace and sectoral level.
Human Rights Day is very important to NEWU engaged together with other unions under the ZCTU in a long battle for human and trade union rights. Zimbabwe remains one of the worst violators of human and trade union rights.
Moyo raised concerns of human rights violations especially at election time; "Elections are inevitable and we all know that elections in this country are associated with violence and trampling of human and trade union rights. As we commemorate this day we need to come up with ways that can guard against gross human rights violations during elections".
At the march, the ZCTU called for the observance of freedom of expression and association rights and the right to organize. NEWU supports the demands of the federation that the Zimbabwe government puts a stop to human rights violations, enact legislation that protect the rights of its citizens, that have a human face and repeal the Public Order and Security Act (POSA) and Access To Information and Privacy Act (AIPA). NEWU and other unions under ZCTU also want the right for trade unions to organize without interference to be respected as well as a commitment from government and employers on decent and secure work.
Article by Miriam Chipunza, NEWU