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19 July, 2011The National Engineering Workers Union (NEWU) held its 7th special congress under the theme 27 Years of Uniting, Educating and Fighting for Workers Rights on 24 and 25 June 2011 in Kwe Kwe. The special congress called for unity within the union as well as nationally and internationally to further strengthen the struggle of workers.
ZIMBABWE: In his welcoming remarks, Acting President, Josiah Thwala, explained that the National Council had resolved to hold a special congress as NEWU leadership could not carry their mandate as required from 2006 to 2009 due to factors beyond their control including the hyper inflationary economy which led to the near collapse of the union.
Calling for a unity of purpose, Comrade Thwala said "there is power in working together and it is by working together that we can achieve the union's goals. It is my wish that we conclude this journey in a calm and sincere manner. I hope and trust we will not allow the 2006 situation to return. I have much trust of this leadership which leads a humble union.
Second Deputy President of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) Comrade George Nkiwane, said that the ZCTU takes pride in NEWU because it is one of the few affiliates that are up to date in terms of contributions to the national centre. He also called for worker unity in his speech, saying; "the ZCTU is aware of the challenges that trade union leaders face, such as Exemptions Applications, salaries below the Poverty datum line (PDL), political and economic instability. These challenges present an opportunity to be innovative and enterprising. It is therefore imperative that we should not allow ourselves to be disunited by sugary speeches and phrases about our sovereignty or national autonomy by self serving politicians".
In his solidarity message to the union, the IMF regional representative, Comrade Steve Nhlapo commended NEWU as "the second biggest union after NUMSA in the Southern Region, a strong union that does not depend on donor funding". He encouraged the merger that is underway between NEWU and the Zimbabwe Metal Energy and Allied Workers Union (ZMEAWU). Comrade Nhlapo also spoke of the merger for greater worker unity between IMF, International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) and the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation (ITGLWF) to form one strong international union.
Article by Miriam Chipunza, NEWU