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2 July, 2009
Congress adopted changes to the IMF Rules to create two new elected positions. Previously filled by appointment, the IMF Vice President and Assistant General Secretary roles will now be elected every four years, along with the General Secretary and President positions.
Incumbents Tom Buffenbarger, Fernando Lopes and Hiroshi Kamada were elected Vice President and Assistant General Secretaries respectively on the first official day of Congress.
The elections of President and General Secretary however brought two new leaders to the head of the IMF. IG Metall President Berthold Huber, a former toolmaker, was elected President of the IMF, taking over from outgoing President Jürgen Peters.
Nordic IN General Secretary Jyrki Raina was elected General Secretary, replacing Marcello Malentacchi, who retired after 20 years as IMF General Secretary. Raina pledged to make the Action Programme the central policy of the IMF.
Raina identified the issue of precarious work as a key priority for the IMF, noting that in developing countries typically 50 to 80 per cent of employment is informal and elsewhere atypical work is exploding. Raina warned of the risk that during economic recovery good jobs that have been lost will be replaced by precarious jobs.
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