13 April, 2012The Tunisian metalworkers' union (FGME) continued to pave the way for genuine renewal and democratization of the Tunisian trade union movement at its Congress on April 11 and 12, electing a new leadership team.
TUNISIA: At the end of a heated, passionate and transparent congress debate on April 11 and 12, 108 delegates elected the new leadership of the Tunisian metalworkers' union, the Fédération Générale de la Métallurgie et de l'Electronique(FGME - UGTT). The election saw two opposed lists of candidates and everything was recognized by as having taken place in a correct and democratic way.
The team led by former General Secretary Tahar Berberi was re-elected, winning all the nine seats of the Federal Board, with a woman among the nine elected candidates. The vote on the activity report also showed that delegates strongly supported the action developed in the past congress period by Berberi and the whole team.
FGME has been the strongest advocate of a deep, genuine renewal and democratization of the Tunisian trade union movement. At the opening session Berberi spoke strongly of the work that still remains to be done within the union and in society at large.
Strong commitment was expressed by congress to the IMF and gratitude for the support it provided to FGME in past years and particularly during and after the 2011 popular uprising.