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New collective agreement for Volkswagen AG, Germany

6 October, 2009Agreement includes 4.2 per cent wage increase and a 710 Euro single payment.

GERMANY: In the fourth round of collective negotations a new collective agreement for the 95,000 Volkswagen employees in the plants of the Volkswagen AG (Wolfsburg / Hanover / Emden / Brunswick / Salzgitter and Kassel) was reached and signed.

According to this agreement the employees receive a 4.2 per cent wage increase from January 2010. In addition a single payment of 710 Euros was agreed. 510 Euro will be paid out in October 2009 and the rest of 200 Euros in February 2010.

Starting in 2011 a productivity bonus of around 100 Euros will be introduced.

The program for part-time work for people approaching retirement will be continued. Also the apprenticeship program and the takeover of the apprentices are agreed.

The duration of the agreement is 18 months.