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Mexican Miners' Union welcomes global action days in February

13 January, 2011Mexican Miners' Union reiterates support of its current industrial and political direction at its national assembly on January 10 to11, as the union prepares itself for the global days of action from February 14 to 19 calling for trade union rights in Mexico.

MEXICO: A national assembly of the Mexican Miners' Union (SNTMMSRM), held on January 10 and 11, reiterated the entire union's support of its current industrial and political direction as it prepares itself for the global days of action, February 14 to 19, calling for trade union rights in Mexico.

Resolutions adopted by the assembly included continued support for the union's exiled General Secretary Napoleon Gomez Urrutia and unanimous support of the four ongoing strikes at Cananea, Zacatecas, Taxco and Guanajuato.

The Miners' national assembly stated that "effective solidarity is the best tool to strengthen the unity, which gives us the strength and power to transform reality for the benefit of workers and the people", and welcomed the forthcoming global days of action on Mexico.

Calling for trade union rights in Mexico, the global days of action are taking place from February 14 to 19, which coincide with the fifth anniversary of the deaths of 65 miners at the Pasta de Conchos mine disaster on February 19, 2006.

The International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF), International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM), International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and UNI Global Union have called on their affiliates to take action in support of the Mexican Miners' Union and the other independent unions in Mexico this February.

Since 2006 the Mexican government has escalated its illegal and violent attacks on the Mexican Miners' Union and has systematically and repeatedly violated Mexican law and international standards in an attempt to crush the union.

The Mexican Miners' Union is not alone. The few other genuinely independent trade unions seeking to improve the lives of Mexican workers have also found themselves increasingly under fire.

This February 14 to 19, trade union organizations around the world are taking action and calling on the Mexican government to:

  1. Hold employer and government officials accountable for the Pasta de Conchos mine explosion that killed 65 miners on February 19, 2006,
  2. Abolish systemic violations of workers' freedom of association, including employer-dominated "protection contracts" and interference in union elections,
  3. End the use of force-by the state or private parties-to repress workers' legitimate demands for democratic unions, better wages and working conditions, and good health and safety conditions, and
  4. End the campaign of political persecution against the Mexican Miner's Union and the Mexican Electrical Workers' Union.

On January 21, additional background information, leaflets, protest materials and press kits will be made available on the IMF website at: www.imfmetal.org/mexico2011

To find out more and participate in the action please contact: [email protected]