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Metalworker unions in Asia united in fight for job security

6 July, 2009Unions agree that ensuring job security and reducing precarious employment both during and after the financial crisis is the first priority for metalworkers in the Asia-Pacific region.

ASIA & PACIFIC: Implementation of the IMF Action Programme for 2009-2013 was one of the key topics for discussion at the he 2nd Asian Metalworkers' Liaison Conference, which took place in Bangkok, Thailand, on June 25 and 26.

Organising and building strong unified union structures were identified priority areas of work under the Action Programme for the Asia-Pacific region. Delegates to the conference recognised that tackling precarious employment and fighting for the rights of workers are central to achieving greater union strength in the region.

The conference opened with a discussion on the world economic crisis and the responses of trade unions in the Asia-Pacific region. Hideyuki Wakamatsu, IMF-JC General Secretary, opened the session reporting on rise in unemployment of non-regular workers in Japan and IMF-JC's efforts to pressure the government on measure to ensure job security. Other speakers from around the region reported similar rates of job losses during the crisis, noting that government initiatives aimed at maintaining employment were the preserve of rich countries where as in poor countries jobs were lost with little or no social security provisions for the unemployed.

The conference also discussed specific actions that unions are planning as part of the International Metalworkers' Federation's ongoing campaign against precarious employment. There was unanimous agreement that the promotion of decent work and the reduction of precarious work were vital issues for workers in the Asia-Pacific region.

Hosted by IMF-JC, trade union representatives from Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand participated in the meeting, along with representatives from the IMF.