30 April, 2009In spite of the unfolding global economic crisis and all the other problems workers and their families are facing, nowadays celebration of May Day remains the major event for the working class.
GLOBAL: May Day is not just a day off. Its meaning has deep roots for all workers.
For young people it is worth reminding them that workers celebrate May Day in commemoration of the 11 American workers killed in Chicago on May 1, 1886 who together with thousands of other workers went out to the streets demanding an eight hour working day. This happened to be on the first day of May which today is celebrated as the Worker's Day or Labour Day.
It is important to remember this each year when on May Day all workers walk hand in hand to make their voice heard in every city of the globe.
"The IMF is fighting for the respect of workers' rights in many countries of the world. And today on May Day we send the message of solidarity to all our brothers and sisters, but especially to Indian autoworkers fighting for union recognition and a collective bargaining agreement at Hyundai; Indonesian workers facing intense union busting from the company Toshiba; Korean workers who are fighting to block new legislation extending the period for precarious workers to become permanent from 2 to 4 years; Mexican miners who have been on strike for 21 months and are being threatened with termination only to be rehired on a non-union basis; workers in Turkey at Sinter Metal fighting for the reinstatement of more than 300 workers dismissed for union activities; Steelworkers in Bulgaria who are fighting for their jobs and unpaid wages and many others who are fighting for their right to decent and respectful workers' lives," said Marcello Malentacchi IMF general secretary in his May Day address to metalworkers.
"This is a good reason to go to the streets and demonstrate on May Day and fight for those who are not allowed to join us. So let us celebrate May Day and wherever you are, join the demonstration and make your voice heard!"