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Manuel Garnacho dies

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1 October, 2000A dedicated fighter for freedom and democracy in Spain is no more.

SPAIN: Manuel Garnacho, the president of the Spanish MCA-UGT (Metal, Construcción y Afines de UGT), an affiliate of the International Metalworkers' Federation, passed away last Friday, September 29, at the age of 62.
Manuel was the president of the Construction Workers' Union in Spain before the union merged with the Metalworkers in 1998, and was then elected the first president of the new union.
During the fascist dictatorship of Franco, Manuel was active as president of the Young Socialists and as a member of the National Committee of the Spanish Socialist Party -- the PSOE. Because of the then fascist repression, he lived many years in clandestinity.
For 12 years he was also a member of the Management Committee of the International Federation of Building and Wood Workers.
Upon hearing of the death of Manuel Garnacho, IMF general secretary Marcello Malentacchi said that "the fight for freedom and democracy for the Spanish people and the Spanish workers, which Manuel together with other comrades led, will forever remain engraved in our minds."
"Thank you, Manolo."