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5 October, 2000The United Steelworkers of America is organising a conference of unions representing workers in Alcoa, Kaiser, Pechiney, Alcan and Noranda operations.

USA: With the rapid consolidation of aluminium production manufacturing currently taking place on a global level, the United Steelworkers of America is scheduling a conference for trade unions to discuss changes of significance in this all-important industry.
The USWA has bargaining agreements in the U.S. and Canada with Alcoa, Kaiser, Pechiney, Alcan and Noranda and feels strongly that beginning a direct dialogue with trade unionists representing workers in these companies and their subsidiaries would be beneficial for all trade unions and workers concerned.
The meeting, entitled "USWA Conference of Unions Representing Workers in Alcoa, Kaiser, Pechiney, Alcan and Noranda Operations," will take place on October 30-November 1, 2000, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Working languages will be English, French, Spanish and German.
To attend this important event, all interested unions should request registration forms without delay from the USWA president, George Becker, on Fax: +1-412-562-2405, or from USWA vice-president for administration, Dick Davis, on Tel: +1-412-562-2323, or from Len Powell, at the IMF in Geneva, on Tel: +41-22-308-5050, Fax: +41-22-308-5055, or by e-mail: [email protected]
(This meeting was CANCELLED on October 12. Please refer to updated news item of October 16, on this website, for additional information.)
The USWA has bargaining agreements in the U.S. and Canada with Alcoa, Kaiser, Pechiney, Alcan and Noranda and feels strongly that beginning a direct dialogue with trade unionists representing workers in these companies and their subsidiaries would be beneficial for all trade unions and workers concerned.
The meeting, entitled "USWA Conference of Unions Representing Workers in Alcoa, Kaiser, Pechiney, Alcan and Noranda Operations," will take place on October 30-November 1, 2000, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Working languages will be English, French, Spanish and German.
To attend this important event, all interested unions should request registration forms without delay from the USWA president, George Becker, on Fax: +1-412-562-2405, or from USWA vice-president for administration, Dick Davis, on Tel: +1-412-562-2323, or from Len Powell, at the IMF in Geneva, on Tel: +41-22-308-5050, Fax: +41-22-308-5055, or by e-mail: [email protected]
(This meeting was CANCELLED on October 12. Please refer to updated news item of October 16, on this website, for additional information.)