24 August, 2011On August 18 local Section 309 of the National Miners' and Metalworkers' Union of Mexico (SNTMMSRM) at the mine La Platosa in the state of Durango, Mexico reached an agreement with the management of Excellon de Mexico S.A. de C.V. a subsidiary of the Canadian owned mining company Excellon Resources Inc.

MEXICO: After months of struggle organized by Section 309 of SNTMMSRM affiliate of both of the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) and the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM), a four day strike started on August 15 has ended with victory.
On August 18 management of Excellon de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. signed an agreement about union recognition and a committment to sign a new collective labour contract. According to the agreement in addition to recognition the company will pay out 100 per cent lost wages to those who participated in the four day strike and will not persecute workers who participated in it.
The signature of the agreement took place in the Gómes Palacio in Durango in presence of representatives of the union, management, the authorities of the state Durango, as well as the organization Proyecto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales (ProDESC), which put a lot of efforts in assisting the union in their struggle.
One of the biggest obstacles workers faced when fighting for their rights was the existence of two yellow unions which back in 2005 signed protection contracts with the management to block access of authentic unions to the mine. Each of these contracts was concluded with only 10 and 20 workers respectively. The vast majority of workers of the mine were neither aware of existence of these contracts nor familiar with the leaders of these unions.
The next step will be the conclusion of a new collective labour contract between Section 309 and management of the Excellon de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. after the competent authority, the Local Committee for Conciliation and Arbitrage of the State of Durango, confirms Local Section 309 of SNTMMSRM as the union representing majority of workers at the La Platosa mine.
The IMF has earlier reported about the situation at La Platosa mine and contacted the company and Mexican authorities on several occasions including recently when management of Excellon de Mexico submitted a complaint for eviction before the Public Ministry instead of addressing workers concerns of unsatisfactory working conditions.
IMF and other global unions welcome this victory of workers and will keep on following closely the development of the situation with trade union rights at La Platosa mine and Mexico in general.