4 May, 2011LabourStart announces five finalists in the second annual Labour Video competition.

GLOBAL: Launched on April 15, the second annual Labour Video competition saw hundreds of nominations for the best labour video. On May 3 LabourStart announced an international panel of judges selected a short list of five finalists.
The following five videos were included, click on the title to see the videos:
- Experience Matters
- Workplace Democracy: Corporate Style
- Refusal of Unsafe Work (English)/ Non Au Travail Dangereux (French)
- Things To Know From Wisconsin
- The Red Tail - Official Trailer
To cast your vote click on the link Labour Video of the Year, voting ends on midnight GMT on Tuesday, May 31, 2011, at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/599P5KX
As earlier announced this year the IMF together with the International Trade Union Confederation and other Global Union Federations is producing the Global Union Labour Film Shorts which will include a range of different films from different parts of the world. The launch of the one-hour line-up will take place at the European Metalworkers' Federation "Unions in Motion" film festival, coming up on June 10 to 11, at Landschaftspark Nord in Duisburg, Germany. For details go to: http://www.emf-fem.org/EMF-Congress-2011/Unions-in-Motion