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Labour masters university course to start

6 July, 2011The Global Labour University (GLU) invites trade union and labour activists to apply for a Masters programme on Labour and Globalization at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. The deadline for applications for the Witwatersrand programme is July 31, 2011.

SOUTH AFRICA: The GLU provides an opportunity to study and discuss the challenges of globalization in a global group of fellow trade unionists. Internships with trade union organisations and labour research institutions offer the chance to engage in labour movements internationally and in different countries.

Students will take one 14 week core course each semester. The first semester they will also take the Research Methods Seminar, an intensive short course. They will then choose from a list of courses for the first or second semester. Ideally, they will conduct fieldwork for their MA research report in the mid-year break, linked to their internships. During the second semester they will draft their research report, which will be due for submission by mid-December.

The GLU awards a limited number of scholarships for participants from developing and transition countries.  Scholarship applicants need to have the endorsement of a trade union. 

More detailed information at www.global-labour-university.org.

Application forms can be downloaded at

The GLU network offers Masters Programmes on Labour Policies, Globalisation, Development, Economic Policy and Social Economy in Germany, South Africa, Brazil and India.

The programmes are developed by universities and workers organisations from around the world and are targeted at candidates with experience with labour and social movements.
The Global Labour University was established in 2004. Students from about 50 countries have studied in one of the GLU Masters programmes.