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Kim Dae-jung breached<br>promise to unionists

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12 July, 1999The President of the Korean Metal Workers' Federation (KMWF), Mun Sung-hyun, was arrested on July 3.

KOREA, REP: On June 30, the Korean President, Kim Dae-jung, held a meeting with presidents from Korean trade unions and expressed his regrets that a number of unionists had been imprisoned. He said that he felt sorry for those arrested unionists and would give a special order to the Ministry of Justice to bring about an amicable settlement for the arrested workers and the unionists on the wanted lists.
However, the promise given by the Korean president turned out to be deceitful. The KMWF leadership surrendered voluntarily on July 1 to the police, taking the Korean president at his word, but the 5 KMWF vice-presidents and General Secretary of KMWF were arrested without imprisonment and KMWF president, Mun Sung-hyun was arrested and put in prison on July 3.
Furthermore, it has turned out that the Korean Prosecutor requested Mr. Mun to write a written pledge that he would not call further strikes in exchange for a withdrawal of his arrest warrant. The request from the Korean Prosecutor to write a written pledge to abide by the laws only means that Mr. Mun could not participate or lead any strike, and must give up his identity as a unionist. As soon as Mr. Mun turned down the request to make a pledge, the prosecutor arrested him.
KMWF asks international workers to support its struggle to secure workers' rights and to send a protest letter to Kim, Dae-jung to release all unionists without any conditions. The address of President Kim, Dae-jung and the Minister of Justice:
The Blue House
Fax: ++82/2 770-0253
Sejongro 1 ka, Jongro-ku
Seoul Korea
The Minister of Justice
Fax: ++82/2 503-9711
Add: Jungang-dong 1ka,
Kwachon- Myon, Kyongki-do
Seehyung Korea