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ITUC appeals for urgent solidarity with Egypt and Tunisia

3 February, 2011The IMF received an urgent appeal from ITUC asking for solidarity with Egypt and Tunisia and encourages all affiliates to take actions.

EGYPT and TUNISIA: The International Metalworkers' Federation received an urgent appeal from the International Trade Union Confederation, see the text below:

"The ITUC is with great concern following the escalating violence against demonstrators in Egypt and the attacks on trade unions in Tunisia by militias known to be associated with the former ruling parties."

"We appeal to you to take part in this action and to urge your government to intervene with the governments of Tunisia and Egypt. We also appeal to you to protest to the Tunisian and Egyptian embassies in your country. Please find attached a statement issued by the ITUC, as well as a Spanish translation. A copie in French will be provided as soon as possible."

"We thank you for your solidarity."

The IMF calls on all affiliates to express their solidarity with the oppressed demonstrators and unions and send their letters to the Governments of Egypt and Tunisia. Model letter is published in English and Spanish.