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Italian unions demand fairness

14 December, 2011The Italian trade union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL unanimously demand changes in the Monti government's plans for fiscal cuts of 30 billion Euro, to assure fairness. After a resultless meeting with the government the Italian unions called for a week of general strikes starting December 12.

ITALY: The trade union confederations, CGIL, CISL and UIL jointly demanded changes in the Italian government's austerity package, at a two hour meeting with the government on December 11. In place of pension cuts and a new home tax the unions among other things proposed steeper wealth taxes and measures to combat fiscal evasion. After the meeting the CGIL General Secretary, Susanna Camusso said "they tried to argue, without convincing us, that the cuts were balanced. Therefore we confirmed the strike".
Metalworkers affiliated to FIOM CGIL, and CGIL workers in Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia and Ferrara downed tools for eight hours on December 12. FIM-CISL and UILM affiliates joined in.
In the transport sector the confederations' affiliates called for three hour strikes in ports, freeways, car rentals, goods transports and logistics. Essential public transports are excluded: air transport, local, rail and marine public transport, and emergency services.
Bank workers will strike on December 16, and on Monday, December 19 the strike moves to all of the public sector and the Italian Mail service.
The three main Italian unions showed a united front for the first time in six years. "The austerity package must be changed," said Susanna Camusso, of CGIL, "as it hurts workers, pensions and the country as a whole."