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International solidarity with Mexican miners continues

30 May, 2008Unions in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and the U.S. take action in support of Mexican Miners' Unions' struggle for union independence.

GLOBAL: In the last two months IMF affiliates in Europe and the Americas took a range of actions in support of the Mexican Miners' Union's struggle for union independence.

In Mexico, the country's largest mining company, Grupo México, and the Mexican government, first under President Vicente Fox, and now under President Felipe Calderón, have systematically and repeatedly violated Mexican law and international standards to crush the National Miners' and Metalworkers' Union of Mexico (SNTMMSRM).

The IMF and its affiliates are calling on the Mexican government to:

  • release all union funds illegally seized by the government;
  • lift all charges still pending against Napoleón Gómez Urrutia and other members of the SNTMMSRM;
  • prosecute in a court of law, immediately and transparently, all those responsible in the corruption of documents and facts; and
  • investigate Grupo México's involvement in the  murder of Reynaldo Hernández González and the detention and torture of 20 SNTMMSRM members in Nacozari, Sonora.

As part of its ongoing solidarity efforts to support the union, on April 23, 2008 the IMF released "An Injury to One: The Mexican Miners' struggle for union independence", a White Paper and an 18 minute DVD documenting the abuse of human and trade union rights in Mexico. Following the release of the materials, trade unions around the world took a range of actions to continue to show their support to the Mexican Miners' Union.


In Argentina, IMF affiliates wrote to the national Congress denouncing the situation in Mexico. With the support of several Members of Congress the issue is now on the agenda of Congress for consideration.


In Brazil, CNM-CUT published the IMF White Paper and DVD on its website and publications. In addition the union sent copies of the White Paper and letters to the members of parliament calling on them to take up the issue with the Mexican ambassador. The union also sent press releases to the local press about these actions.


In Europe the European Metalworkers' Federation urged MEP Erika Mann to raise the issue at the Lima summit. A copy of the EMF's letter is published on the IMF website


Internationally, on April 23, 2008 the IMF launched "An Injury to One: The Mexican Miners' struggle for union independence", a White Paper and an 18 minute DVD documenting the abuse of human and trade union rights in Mexico in conjunction with the Mexican Miners' Union. The IMF showed the DVD at the Geneva Labour Film night on May 1st and has published the materials on the IMF website and circulated copies to IMF affiliates. In addition, the IMF sent letters to EU Commissioners and EU Member of Parliament urging them to raise this issue at EU/LAC Summit in Peru. The letters are published on the IMF website.


In Germany, IG Metal wrote to the Foreign Minister and members of the Foreign Office requesting that the Government look into the situation in Mexico and raise the issue with the Mexican Government.


The Mexican Miners' Union held a press conference on April 23, calling for an end to the repression against the Miners' Union in honour of the two year anniversary of the murder of two striking steelworkers gunned down by Mexican security forces in Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico.


In Spain, the Federación Minerometalúrgica de Comisiones Obreras (FMCO) organised a petition gathering signatures from workers calling for the recovery of the bodies of the miners buried in Pasta de Conches.


In Peru, at the Peoples' Summit from May 13 - 16, which was held in parallel to the V Summit Meeting of European Union (EU) and ALC Heads of State and Government, the National Women Miners' Central of Peru (CNMM) and the National Miners' and Metalworkers' Union Of Mexico (SNTMMSRM) publicised the repression and persecution of Mexican miners. The documentary film "An Injury to One" was shown and copies of the IMF White Paper were distributed. For more information click here.

United Kingdom:

In the UK an Early Day Motion in support of Napoleon Gomez and the Mexican Miners' Union was introduced to Parliament with the support 38 Members of Parliament. In addition, Community wrote to Foreign Secretary David Miliband, copied to Prime Minster Gordon Brown, calling on the UK Government to raise its concerns about the situation in Mexico with the Mexican Government.   A copy of the early day motion is published on the IMF website.

USA and Canada:

In the U.S. the United Steelworkers held meetings with the Hispanic Congressional Caucus, met with the Mexican ambassadors and sent the delegations to Mexico for press conference on April 23. A USW delegation also attended the Mexican Miners' Union's congress and 12 USW women of steel members went on a mission to Cananea in support of the striking workers.
On May 13, the USW also announced the creation of a web site to disseminate information about the business practices of Grupo Mexico. The web page, which can be found at http://www.therecordspeaksforitself.com/, hosts links to a number of resources that will educate the public about Grupo Mexico's conduct regarding its workers both at home and abroad, as well as the environment and the way the company conduct its business.