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28 October, 2009

The Working People Trade Union Council (WPTUC) &
Simpson and Group Companies Workers & Staff Union (SGCWSU)
WPTUC and SGCWSU jointly organized the following activities from October 3-9, 2009 at Chennai:
• Wearing badges during the week by the members of WPTUC & SGCWSU.
• Pasting of wall posters in front of all factories and in industrial areas
• Distribution of leaflets
• Slogan shouting everyday at all factories gates
• A gate meeting was held October 8 in Sembiam (Industrial Area), Chennai.
Steel, Metal & Engineering workers' Federation of India (SMEFI)
In Maharashtra:
• On October 4 a mammoth demonstration of workers followed by a meeting was held in Darukhana (shipbreaking work site), Mumbai.
• SMEFI leaders submitted a memorandum to Central Labour Minister and State Labour Minister against Precarious Work and Violation of Labour Rights.
In Andhra Pradesh:
• SMEFI -AP affiliate conducted a rally and submitted a memorandum to the Commissioner of Labour, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
• On October 9 and 10, 2009 affiliates conducted protest meetings, rallies and demonstrations in Hyderabad and various industrial areas.
In Orissa:
• Affiliates conducted rallies, demonstrations and public meetings in various places i.e. Rourkela, Paradeep Port and port-based industrial areas from October 4 until October 10, 2009.