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Improving occupational health and safety in the Balkans

6 July, 2010Health is not for sale -- Health is a basic right to be defended

SARAJEVO: The third and last phase of the IMF Occupational Health and Safety Project for affiliates in the former Yugoslavia was held on 29 June- 1st July 2010 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.   This project initiated in 2008 in Belgrade, Serbia, targeted  the steel and non-ferrous sectors  - two sectors of special relevance to metal unions in the region and showing a high number of occupational accidents and work-related illnesses, often due to lack of proper training and awareness of OHS hazards.  The project has benefitted from the support of the Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation (AECID) through the Trade Union Institute of Cooperation for Development  (ISCOD), and has been carried out in close cooperation with the IMF Spanish affiliate MCA-UGT. 

The project was built around three main lines of work that were the subject of three seminars:  (a) the legislative framework and occupational health and safety standards;  (b) risk analysis and prevention techniques; and (c) social dialogue and collective bargaining that were the main theme  of the third seminar.   

Representatives from the Spanish and Croatian governments as well as from the Spanish steel Association UNESID participated in a round table on the development of social dialogue and collective bargaining, laying the foundation for advancing collective demands in the field of OHS.  Strong emphasis was put on the importance of active and effective health and safety committees and  ongoing surveillance of workers' health as a mean s of preventing risks .  The participants were able to interact during the group work activities arranged as part of the curriculum.

One session of the seminar was devoted to labour inspection which has been identified as a particularly weak link in prevention policies throughout the region.   Experts from Spain, Bosnia & Herzegovina, the ILO Budapest Office and the European Trade Union Institute gave enlightening presentations, providing a national, European and international perspective on the need to strengthen the effectiveness and impact of labour inspection in the region, moving towards more prevention-oriented organisations.

As part of the implementation of its 2009-2013 Action Programme,  the IMF will continue to promote the development of OHS activities in the region with a view to strengthening trade unions, supporting their efforts both at national and enterprise levels to carry out health and safety training and work out organising strategies around safer and better workplaces.    The material produced in local language in the course of the project will be used as an information and educational tool to further the union objectives in this area.

Health is not for sale  - health is a fundamental right to be defended.  This has turned into the main slogan for trade union action and campaigning in the region that needs to be developed further.