11 June, 2010IMF Executive Committee establishes task force to explore merger process with ICEM and ITGLWF and discusses how to cooperate not compete in union building work.
GERMANY: Unity of action and organization was a central theme of the discussion at the Executive Committee of the International Metalworkers' Federation, which met on June 10 and 11, 2010.
Continuing a discussion on trade union rights, several members of the IMF Executive Committee condemned governments that are seeking free trade agreements with Colombia, which has long been the most dangerous country in the world for trade unionists. Members of the committee discussed the need to increase and better co-ordinate trade union action on convincing governments in Europe and North America to disband trade agreements with Colombia while the murders of trade unionists continue.
The Committee considered the overall strategy of IMF's work on union building. Through a series of activities focused in targeted countries around the world, IMF's work with affiliates is focused on organizing the unorganized and precarious workers, strengthening national union structures and networking with a sectoral regional focus. The committee also discussed how to work in co-operation not competition in the development and implementation of projects; the development of a new online database on project work is being developed as a tool to assist with this.
IMF Executive Committee established a task force to explore a potential merger process with the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) and the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation (ITGLWF). The task force was asked to look at structures, finances, and a timetable of steps to be taken..
The Committee also looked at unity and co-ordination at the global level with other Global Union Federations and the International Trade Union Confederation. While IMF is not a member of the Council of Global Unions, it continues to participate in co-ordination meetings, funds specific activities and takes joint action where possible. A review of the Council of Global Unions was tabled and the Committee decided it will reconsider whether to join the CGU at its next meeting in December 2010.
The Executive Committee also adopted the affiliation of four new affiliates:
- Nepal Auto Mechanics Trade Union - NATU, Nepal
- Council of Metalworkers' of Democratic Republic of Congo
- Metallurgical and Mining Industry Workers' Union of Ukraine - MMIWU, Ukraine
- Malawi Building Construction, Civil Engineering and Allied Workers' Union - BCCEAWU, Malawi