8 February, 2008IMF updates its <i>Survey on Purchasing Power of Working Time</i> and calls on affiliates to complete the purchasing power questionnaire today.
GLOBAL: Do you want up-to-date information comparing the working time that metalworkers in different countries need to purchase a range of consumer items including clothing, food, rent and other basic items?
Comparing wages in a sector, a country or between countries is a difficult task and a straightforward comparison of converted currencies is often meaningless. For this reason, the IMF has long opted for a working hour approach and every two years publishes a report on the differences in standards of living between metalworkers in different countries.
The IMF Survey on Purchasing Power of Working Time is used by IMF affiliates around the world in determining collective bargaining and wages goals to improve the wages and conditions of metalworkers.
This year, the IMF is updating its Survey on the Purchasing Power of Working Time and calls on its affiliates to respond to a questionnaire by March 28, 2008, providing information on gross hourly wages and the cost of consumer items in their country.
"Affiliates from 66 countries were included in the last survey. We want to make sure that this years' survey includes just as many countries and call on affiliates to get their information to us as soon as possible, but definitely no later than March 28," said Anne-Marie Mureau, who is in charge of the Survey.
A copy of the questionnaire has been sent to IMF affiliates and can be downloaded from the IMF website in all IMF official languages at: www.imfmetal.org/survey08
A copy of the 2006 purchasing power survey can be found on the IMF website at: http://www.imfmetal.org/main/index.cfm?id=47&l=2&cid=15350
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