7 March, 2012The Executive Board of the German Group MAN SE, representatives of the MAN SE Works Council and the IMF have signed an International Framework Agreement. The agreement guarantees a single set of working standards for all employees at all company sites worldwide.

GLOBAL: On March 6, 2012 the MAN SE Executive Board, the MAN SE Works Council and the IMF have signed a Joint Declaration on Human Rights and Working Conditions in the MAN Group. The Agreement defines a reliable set of minimum labour standards that all MAN employees worldwide can refer to while also laying the ethical foundation for the actions of the company and its employees.
MAN SE Chief human resources officer Jörg Schwitalla commented, "A company can only succeed if it shares values and has a culture of mutual respect. With this Agreement, we are anchoring socially responsible conduct in corporate culture and leadership as well as providing the workforce with the necessary support for its actions."
IG Metall Chairman and IMF President Berthold Huber backed this, saying, "The Agreement stands for the joint interest in social values in the industry and the need for regulation in the interests of the workforce, not just in Germany, but all over the world. In a globalized economy, the rights of employees have to be respected everywhere. We are taking a concrete step toward this today."
Chairman of the MAN Groups Work Council Jürgen Dorn added: "The International Framework Agreement enables colleagues and those representing their interests around the world to champion further improvements in their working conditions themselves. It is only through ideal working conditions and mutual recognition that sustainable financial success can be achieved and guaranteed for the benefit of the workforce and the company."
The negotiation of the agreement started last year. Both parties are of the opinion that social responsibility and the ability to compete are mutually dependent. The agreed principles are based on the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), but also take their own approach. The declaration is intended to reflect different cultures and the diversity of moral concepts in society. In accordance with the agreement the Group's Management will yearly report on implementation of the principles and debate it with the parties to the agreement.
The MAN Group is one of Europe's leading transport-related engineering companies, with revenue of approximately €16.5 billion in 2011. As a supplier of trucks, buses, diesel engines, turbomachinery, and special gear units, MAN employs approximately 52,500 people worldwide.