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IMF Regional Conference: the main challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean

23 April, 2010Affiliates analysed the current situation with reference to the IMF's main actions: progress towards unity with other Global Union Federations (GUFs); the impact of the crisis on the metalworking sector; and the activities and projects of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Office.

MEXICO: The IMF Latin American and Caribbean Regional Conference was held on April 21-22 in Mexico City and was attended by representatives of affiliated trade unions in the region.

The conference establishes the main challenges for the region, in accordance with the needs of affiliates and the IMF's Action Programme.

The meeting was opened by the IMF general secretary, Jyrki Raina, and the general secretary of the Mexican Miners' Union, Napoleon Gómez Urrutia, who made his speech using video conferencing facilities.

On the morning of the first day, Dr Arturo Alcalde made a presentation on the crisis, its impact on workers' rights and the Mexican labour relations system.

Jyrki Raina examined the scope for trade union unity at the global level, among the GUFs and in the structures of affiliated organisations.

Affiliates also discussed their respective situations with reference to the main IMF actions this year, including national unity; International Framework Agreements (how to include suppliers); unionize the non-unionized; unified criteria for outsourcing; and how to deal with transnational companies.

The second day examined issues such as precarious work, climate change, networking, communications networks, gender, white-collar workers and international solidarity.

On 23 April, a delegation from the Regional Conference will go to the offices of the Grupo Mexico company and present a declaration of solidarity with the struggle of Mexican miners, demand respect for the freedom of association and call for an end to hostilities against the workers and the national miners' union.