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IMF meeting in Argentina on trade union networks and IFAs

24 August, 2010IMF affiliates in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico have formulated an action plan on International Framework Agreements (IFAs). An IG Metall colleague will help them build trade union networks.

 ARGENTINA: An IMF Development Meeting on Trade Union Networks and IFAs was held on August 18-19, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to discuss how to develop this area of trade union activity.

Delegates from ASIMRA and UOM, Argentina; CNTM-FS and CMN-CUT, Brazil; SITIMM, Mexico and IG Metall, Germany attended the meeting.

Delegates shared their experiences in building trade union networks and IFAs and discussed the main problems arising from implementation in an intense debate that identified new challenges.

Delegates discussed how to build trade union networks in companies that have IFAs, decided on methods to identify the supply chains of transnational companies, nominated a contact person for each organisation (ASIMRA, UOM, CNTM, CMN, SITIMM) and decided to map the supply chains of the main transnational companies in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.

The meeting appointed Manuel Campos, on assignment from IG Metall, to help build trade union networks and coordinate the activities listed above, under the supervision of IMF's Regional Office.