27 June, 2011Metalworkers from Asia and the Pacific countries met in Seoul to discuss the IMF-ICEM-ITGLWF merger, share their experience on building union networks as well as organizing drive as the main priority for the unions of the region.
KOREA: Metalworkers of the countries of the Asian and the Pacific region gathered together at the 4th Asian Metalworkers' Liaison Conference (AMLC) on June 23 and 24 in Seoul, South Korea to share their experience and discuss concerns over the process of creation of a new International on the basis of three Global Union Federations including IMF, ICEM and ITGLWF.
IMF-JC president, Koichiro Nishihara, member of various IMF decision-making bodies considering the issue of the merger, gave a substantial report about the history and the progress of creation of the new International. The followed discussion and reports from the countries of the region explaining national union priorities and challenges in the light of creation of a new global union raised a number of concerns on behalf of the participants mainly focused on their wish to build a stronger, and not just bigger new federation of manufacturing workers.
The issue of trade union networks in transnational corporations (TNCs) was also point of agenda of the meeting. The participants shared their experience on functioning trade union networks and particularly focused on the communication between unions in the mother country of a TNC and their counterparts in other countries of the region where this TNC operates. A necessity of quick exchange of information in case of labour conflicts was underlined in the discussion.
Organizing the non-organized section of the meeting provoked quite vivid debates especially in the light of the future potential merger and necessity to cooperate with other unions who have different background, agenda and working methods when approaching the issue of organizing.
The participants also discussed the future of AMLC if and when merger takes place, some possible options considered were creation of a special metal section of the AMLC, or inclusion of unions from other sectors as well, the issue most probably will be nailed down after conclusion of the IMF Central Committee in December 2011.
AMLC is not an IMF decision-making body, however representatives of the IMF Secretariat attended AMLC meeting and participated in its discussions and debates at the invitation of the IMF affiliate and organizer of the conference IMF-JC.