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3 April, 2002Far-reaching changes in the global auto industry require closer trade union cooperation and improved communications.
GLOBAL: The 3rd IMF-General Motors Action Group, which met recently in Toronto, Canada, underlined in particular the need for closer cooperation and improved communications in this time of far-reaching changes in the global auto industry. The current downturn is causing a new wave of corporate restructuring, to which GM is not immune.
Areas representing priorities for information exchange via the IMF-GM Network concern:
- corporate restructuring and outsourcing announcements and implementation, including changes in production capacity, employment, and production- or work-organization; this includes joint ventures within or outside the GM Alliance (GM, Fiat, Fuji, Suzuki, and Isuzu);
- respect of worker and union rights in GM operations;
- negotiations, conflicts, and agreements with respect to the two above points.