8 December, 2011IMF delegates gathered from different parts of the world at the Central Committee meeting in Jakarta to evaluate the work over two years since its last meeting, and to discuss the issues of precarious work and social security, and the future of the new global union.

INDONESIA: Almost 300 delegates from 76 unions from around the world joined together on December 7 and 8 in Jakarta, Indonesia at the IMF Central Committee meeting to assess progress and effectiveness of the IMF in advancing trade union rights and combating precarious work. The Central Committee also debated on the creation of the new global union that will combine the efforts of the IMF, the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) and the International Textiles Garment and Leather Workers' Federation (ITGLWF).
During the first day discussions at the meeting were organized around the following major themes: the implementation of the IMF Action Program 2009-2013 with focus on trade union rights, union TNCs networks and building stronger unions, and precarious work and social security.
In reviewing the Action Program delegates heard about the most important struggles for trade union rights in the last two years including in Mexico, Turkey, Korea and Colombia. The importance of continuing to develop and create union networks in TNCs was noted as an important tool for a quick and effective reaction towards emerging rights' violations. IMF's strategy for building stronger unions including regular exchange of information proved to be an effective way to reinforce affiliates across the world.
On precarious work and social security the Central Committee heard that, earlier this year, after a long struggle to reform the social security system in Indonesia, a coalition of trade unions and non-governmental organisations called Social Security Action Committee (KAJS) led by IMF affiliate the Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia (FSPMI), succeeded in legal redress for social security protection for workers in the formal and informal sector.
However, the campaign is not over as lamentation of the court decision will occur over three years. To support the campaign for social security protection for precariously employed workers in Indonesia IMF urged Central Committee delegates to sign thematic post cards addressed to the Indonesian Ministry of Labour.
Wahyu Andrawati, head of the department of wages and social security at the Indonesian Ministry of Labour attended the conference and welcomed the IMF Central Committee participants.
The delegates were also welcomed by the powerful voice and songs of FSPMI's choir of activists and by the Shakila entertainment group performing traditional Indonesian songs and dances.