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IMF Executives discuss plans for 2010

17 December, 2009Programme of activities 2010 and ways out of the crisis were on the focus as IMF's Executive Committee met in Geneva.

GENEVA: The Executive Committee of the International Metalworkers' Federation met in Geneva on 15 and 16 December to discuss the situation in the industry in the middle of the crisis, to evaluate the developments in the IMF since the election of the new leadership at the Congress in May 2009, and to adopt a programme of activities and budget for 2010.

Despite some signs of recovery in a number of countries, the crisis is far from over in the metal industries. A great number of jobs have been lost, and the risk of increasing precarious work is evident. Metalworkers' unions will need to adopt offensive strategies to safeguard the interests of workers.

After a vivid discussion on trade union networks in transnational companies, the Executive Committee decided to set up a working group to develop guidelines for the constitution, tasks and coordination of networks.  Networks were seen as a potentially useful tool for exchange of information, organising unorganised plants, and for developing joint initiatives and common platforms.

The newly created unit on trade union rights and campaigns will enhance IMF's capacity to respond in a fast and efficient manner to violations of trade union rights. Climate change remains another priority area for the IMF, which insists on including social justice and employment aspects in the combat against global warming. Furthermore the IMF will make efforts to promote sustainable trade, development and employment, and to improve communication at regional and global levels.

Following the signature of a Declaration of Intent by IMF, ICEM and ITGLWF in March, the Executive Committee gave a mandate to IMF President Berthold Huber and General Secretary Jyrki Raina to continue discussions with the leadership of the other two Global Union Federations on the creation of a unified global union structure for manufacturing industries. An analysis of the policies, structures and finances of the three federations, as well as potential benefits and negative effects of a structural change, will be produced for a continued discussion at regional meetings and at the next Executive Committee meeting in June 2010.

The Committee approved the affiliation of the Free Metalworkers' Union (SPM) from Belarus, CONSFETEMA from Chile, and SNTIMMEE-CDT from Morocco.