28 November, 2007IMF delegates gathered in the former capital of Brazil, Salvador, to discuss crucial IMF issues.

BRAZIL: On November 27, in Salvador, the capital of Bahia, Executive Committee members of the International Metalworkers Federation debated the future of the IMF and made recommendations for discussion in resource allocations.
Delegates received updated information about the work and activities planned and implemented in 2007 by the Geneva based IMF Secretariat. Delegates approved the audit report and budget proposal for 2008.
There was much discussion over the Programme of Activities 2008, which included a new method of reporting and planning, giving a more detailed overview of proposed activities and providing information on the strategic importance of programs. IMF executive committee members agreed that the new reporting methods adopted were a great improvement in assisting them in taking better informed decisions regarding IMF resources.
Executive members discussed and approved the affiliation of two Belgian trade unions Algemen Belgisch Vakverbond, (ABVV) and Metaal and Metallurgistes Walonie- Bruxelles (MMB), which previously were part of the single organisation affiliated to the IMF. Russian trade union, Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA), became the eighth union in Russia to affiliate to the IMF. The Mexican trade union, Sindicato Progresista de Obreros y Empleados de la Industria de la Extracion, Fundicion y Fabricacion de Metales, del Hierro, Autopartes, sus Similares y Derivados de la Republicana Mexicana also was approved for affiliateion. All trade unions were unanimously welcomed to the IMF.
Delegates unanimously nominated Fernando Lopez to serve as the new assistant general secretary to replace Brian Fredricks who will retire from the IMF. The executive committee also unanimously nominated a new IMF Executive and Finance committee member Stefan Lofven to replace retired committee member Kiel Bjorndallen, in both committees.
A long discussion took place over a paper prepared by the Secretariat, linked to the resolution of the IMF Vienna Congress, regarding Global Union Federations and the future of the international trade union movement.
IMF president Jurgen Peters proposed to create an extended finance committee with representatives of six regions designated to review the current approach of the IMF in a number of issues including the medium and long-term income prospective, expenditure structure, externally funded projects, analysis of internal structures, analysis of existing structures and working methods, and distribution of resources as well as future cooperation with key GUFs.