27 May, 2011Core principles for a new global union, precarious work, trade union rights and building trade union networks in transnational corporations were topics for debate and decision at the IMF Executive Committee meeting in Geneva on May 25 and 26, 2011.

GENEVA: Meeting in Geneva on May 25 and 26, the Executive Committee of the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) agreed on the core principles of creating a new International with the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) and the International Textile, Garment & Leather Workers' Federation (ITGLWF).
The IMF Executive Committee adopted an outline of the proposed rules and financial basis of the new global union federation, with the intention of holding a founding congress in Copenhagen from June 18 to 20, 2012. The IMF will continue to work with ICEM and ITGLWF in joint committees to finalize proposed rules and an action plan for the new GUF for consideration at the IMF Central Committee on December 7 and 8, 2011. The principles were also adopted at a joint meeting (http://www.imfmetal.org/index.cfm?c=26631&l=2 ) of IMF, ICEM and ITGLWF executives on May 25.
Preparations for the Central Committee are well underway, where one of the themes is looking at ensuring social security protection of precariously employed workers. Members of the Executive Committee called for more sustained work on the issue of precarious employment, both on the World Day for Decent Work on October 7 and beyond this day of action. The Executive Committee heard how new legislation in Russia has been adopted in the first reading in the last week by the Russian parliament against the use of agency labour.
The Executive Committee received a report on the trade union rights situation in a number of countries including Mexico, Korea, Turkey, Colombia, Swaziland and the U.S. The Committee resolved to maintain the momentum of pressure for improved trade union rights in Mexico, following the mass mobilization of unions in February 2011 (http://www.imfmetal.org/index.cfm?c=24820&l=2 ) , and to continue to work with affiliates and other GUFs on improving the rights of workers in countries such as Korea, Turkey and Swaziland.
The building of trade union networks in transnational corporations (TNCs) was also discussed and a set of guidelines on how to establish other global level agreements with TNCs was reviewed. Plans for training and educational materials on how trade union networks in TNCs were reported. The Committee also debated existing International Framework Agreements and reiterated the need to refer to IMF's model agreement (http://www.imfmetal.org/files/0505102301487/ifamodel_total_english.pdf ) and negotiating principles (http://www.imfmetal.org/index.cfm?c=14863 ).
The IMF Executive Committee also took a decision to join the Council of Global Unions. (http://www.global-unions.org/about-us.html ) The next meeting of the IMF Executive Committee will take place in Jakarta on December 6, 2011.