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IMF creates strike fund for Indonesian Toshiba workers

3 July, 2009Metalworkers around the world are called on to donate funds to support 700 striking workers and members of FSPMI as the industrial dispute at Toshiba Consumer Products Indonesia intensifies.

INDONESIA: The International Metalworkers' Federation calls on its affiliates to provide financial support to struggling Toshiba Indonesia union members who have been locked out of the plant with no wages or healthcare benefits since April.

More than 700 members of IMF-affiliate Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia (FSPMI) went on strike at PT Toshiba Consumer Products Indonesia on April 16 after the company refused to recognize the collective labour agreement signed both by the union and management. Toshiba Indonesia also fired 15 elected trade union leaders at the plant despite stern recommendations from the Indonesian government to withdraw threats of employment termination.

The workers are demanding that the company honours the collective labour agreement and registers it with the Indonesian government and that all fired workers are reinstated immediately and without sanction.

To support the struggling Toshiba workers, IMF calls on its affiliates to contribute to the Toshiba Indonesia strike fund in support of the 700 locked out workers.

The Co-ordinating Committee of the IMF Asia-Pacific Regional Conference met on June 26 in Bangkok and adopted a proposal for action calling on all IMF affiliates to provide financial assistance to the striking workers and to urgently educate their membership about the dispute. Earlier, in May, the IMF Congress passed a resolution in full support of FSPMI and Toshiba workers, condemning the company for its total disregard of workers' rights.

IMF is continuing to work closely with its affiliates in Japan and Indonesia to bring a resolution to the dispute. Affiliates are also encouraged to send letters to Toshiba management in Japan and Indonesia as well as Indonesia's Minister of Manpower and Transmigration.

Send letters to:

Mr. A. Makino
Managing Director
PT. Toshiba Consumer Products Indonesia
EJIP Industrial Park Plot 5G
Cikarang Selatan - Bekasi 17550
T. +62 21 897 0462
FAX: +62 21 897 0465
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Erman Suparno
Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration
Email: [email protected]

Toshiba Corporation
FAX: +81 3 3456 1631

FAX: +62 21 841 3954
Email: [email protected]

IMF Southeast Asia and Pacific Office
Email:  [email protected]