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IMF continues process for the creation of new organization

2 December, 2010The IMF Executive Committee decides to continue process to create new international and commits to holding days of action from February 14 to 19, 2011 in support of democratic and independent Mexican unions.

GLOBAL : Meeting in Geneva on December 1, the Executive Committee of the International Metalworkers' Federation committed itself to continuing the process of moving towards the creation of a new international unifying workers in the industrial sectors of the world.

The Committee debated the need to more clearly articulate the mission and goals of the new organization and how it will improve and strengthen the position of metalworkers at the national, regional and global levels. During the debate several principles were reaffirmed, including the desire to ensure regional structures that are integrated into the global structures and an executive committee that remains at the heart of decision making,

The work of the IMF/ICEM/ITGLWF Task Force and its working groups on statutes and finances will continue. The IMF Executive Committee intends to hold a joint meeting with the executives of ICEM and ITGLWF in May 2011 and will work towards a Central Committee decision on the creation of a new organisation in December 2011.

Earlier in the day the Committee heard reports from numerous countries on continuing difficulties as the result of the financial crisis. While some economic activity is returning in some countries it is not resulting in job creation, but a greater dependence on contract, short-term and agency labour.

The Executive Committee also committed itself to holding global days of action on Mexico from February 14 to 19, 2011, demanding the Mexican Government end its attacks on freedom of association of democratic and independent trade unions in Mexico.