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IMF Affiliates in India celebrate May Day in Alang, Pune and Chhattisgarh

2 May, 2011Thousands of workers participated in spirited May Day celebrations organized by IMF affiliates Steel Metal and Engineering Federation of India (SMEFI), Pune Council and Indian National Metalworkers' Federation (INMF).

INDIA: A spirited May Day rally was organized by Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling and General Workers Association (ASSRGWA) at Alang, where more than 2,000 shipbreaking workers participated in the Rally. Extending the solidarity of International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) Sudhershan Rao, Director, IMF South Asia Office, participated and addressed the workers' rally. Sudhershan Rao said, they are not alone in their fight for union rights and better working conditions.  He also called for an effective social dialogue for shipbreaking workers and said IMF will support workers with all possible means to strengthen their cause. VV Rane, General Secretary, ASSRGWA, congratulated workers for their successful May Day rally and called on workers to strengthen the union by incorporating more workers into its fold. The union with the help of IMF will forge a strong network among shipbreaking workers in South Asia. Further, VV Rane said that workers safety and implementation labour laws in shipbreaking yards are immediate priorities of ASSRGWA.

Participation of officials from Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) in the workers activity is one of the significant aspects of May Day Celebrations on 2011. The rally covered seven kilometer from the Training and Welfare Centre at Alang and culminated at Sosiya Shipbreaking yard. In the evening, workers from the union participated in cultural programmes and sports events organized by GMB.

In Pune city and in Shikrapur-Shirur Industrial estate Pune Council (Shramik Ekta Maha Sangh (SEMS)) organized rallies, in which around 6,000 workers participated. Workers from around 46 unions in national and multinational companies participated in the rally. Addressing the workers, Jagdale and Kishore Dhokle emphasized workers' unity and need for increased representation for women in trade unions. Further they called on the workers for strengthening national and international workers' movement by building strong union networks.

A motor cycle rally was organized by affiliates of INMF from Champa to Patari in Chhattisgarh. Around 500 workers participated in the rally which culminated at the gates of Lanco Amarkantak Power Ltd to extend solidarity with striking workers. Sanjay Kumar Singh, General Secretary, INMF Chhattisgarh called on the management to restrain from using repressive tactics and instead negotiate with the workers' union. Around 1,400 Bhilai metal workers marched under the leadership of SM Pandey, General Secretary, INMF Chhattisgarh, with the demand of equal benefit to contract workers on par with permanent workers.