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Hunger strike in Paraguay

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20 March, 2001A trade union president, in protest at company abuse of workers' rights, is now in his fifteenth day of hunger strike.

PARAGUAY: Following management's suspension of collective negotiations plus serious measures taken against the workforce by the steel company ACEPAR, the president of the IMF's Paraguayan affiliate FETRAMPAR, Hugo González Chirico, has begun a hunger strike, which is now in its 15th day.
The company has not only dismissed and suspended without any justification more than 20 workers, but has also not respected agreements and commitments it established through collective bargaining.
In protest at this grave situation and on behalf of the International Metalworkers' Federation and its 23 million metalworker members worldwide, the IMF's Latin America regional representative Roberto Pereira has written to both the president of ACEPAR and to the president of Cerro Lorito, a company which has a majority shareholding in ACEPAR.
In his letter, Pereira states that the measures taken by ACEPAR, which are affecting the workers' salaries, their job security and working conditions, "are an attempt against the fundamental rights of the workers, recognised by the legislation of your country and by the International Labour Organisation." For this reason, he continued, "we state our total support for the justified demands of the workers of ACEPAR and their unions, and we appeal to you to reconsider the gravity of the situation and the effects that the attitude adopted by the company is having on the workers and their families. We request you to re-establish the dialogue and negotiations, as the only possible way to find a solution to this conflict."
IMF affiliates in the region have been asked to send letters of support and solidarity to FETRAMPAR.