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Help Korea's Sammi workers

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15 March, 2000Send messages of support for the Sammi Specialty Steel workers and help them get their jobs back.

KOREA,REP: A two-week-long march by Sammi workers, which began on March 7 in the southeastern city of Pusan, heading north, will reach Seoul on Saturday, March 18. On this day, Sammi Specialty Steel workers will have been leading their campaign for reinstatement in their jobs for 1,179 days!
The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions is appealing to all friends worldwide to take action to coincide with the arrival of the Sammi workers in Seoul by sending protest messages by fax to:
- President Kim Dae Jung: +82-2-770-0210
- Prime Minister Park Tae Jun: +82-2-722-6464
- President of Posco: +82-2-3457-1900
- Minister for Labour: +82-2-504-6708
For a sample protest letter and complete background information on the Sammi workers' struggle, access the KCTU's website on kctu.org/english/index.htm
The most recent IMF news item on this long-running dispute is dated February 10, 2000, and can be found either in the IMF website news archives or in IMF NewsBriefs No. 5, 2000.
Read more on Sammi workers in Metal World No. 2/2000.