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27 January, 2003International framework agreements and action in focus as five Global Union Federations examine their relation to transnational companies.
PORTO ALEGRE: What is the role of the Global Union Federations in relation to transnational companies? In a meeting, open to the public, five federations came together to discuss this topic.
Renato Martins, ICEM regional office, laid out his organisation's two fronts in facing the actions of the transnational companies: pursuing global framework agreements and establishing "workers' networks" within the international corporations. "These networks are connected over the Internet, they share experiences and they can have a dialogue with senior company management."
Stuart Howard, assistant general secretary of the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), stressed that a globalised world increased the need for local level trade unionists to have support from an international level. "But transnational companies won't listen to us unless we can mobilise, unless we can develop concrete international solidarity actions to hit them, to hurt them. This is a challenge, which is partly met by making rank-and-file members more aware of what is happening in other workplaces, in other countries."
Jorge Campos, the IMF regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, presented how the IMF works through World Company Councils, sectoral meetings, educational activities, etc. He also presented the IMF's work in achieving International Framework Agreements.
In addition to the IMF, ICEM and ITF, the PSI and UNI also took part in the seminar.
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