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Greece at a standstill again

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20 May, 2001Workers and their trade unions put more pressure on the government in the second all-out 24-hour strike within a month.

GREECE: On May 17, workers and trade unions representing the different branches of the metalworking industry were among participants in the second massive 24-hour strike within one month in Greece. The protest action, which once again brought the country to a standstill as for the earlier strike on April 26, was organised by the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE). Among the strikers' demands are:
- the immediate tripartite financing of the social security system;
- retirement after 35 years of work, irrespective of age;
incorporation of the whole metal branch as especially hard and hazardous professions.
Workers remain determined in their opposition to government proposals to increase the retirement age, to reduce pensions, and to re-evaluate hard and hazardous jobs.
Metal branch participation in the strike was over 90 per cent.